August 21, 2013

Broderick:: Nine months

We were on a walk this morning and I asked Travis if today was Brody's 9 months. Nope, it was yesterday. Well at least I took these photos yesterday! Happy 9 months, little man. You make our lives so much more crazy enjoyable :)
 This is the look that he gives people when he snuggles in my arms, head nuzzled against my chest and pretends to be shy.
 He has two teeth on the bottom and more coming in on the top. This has been his new smile the past few days. Mouth closed, lips plump like his daddy's. It makes him look like such a big boy!! His facial expressions change so much. Sometimes I think he is Travis' mini and sometimes he doesn't look like either of us. 
 He has definitely become a mama's boy. He does not like being a room by himself and will crawl so fast to follow us around the house.
 This boy is starting to show us how he wants things to go around here :) And that has been interesting. He is pretty sensitive--so a simple, stern "no" can usually get him pretty upset. We will see how long that lasts!
Brody has become an early riser(6:30ish)and must think we are ready to party at that ghastly time of day. We've tried later bed time, letting him cry, giving him his paci, etc. Nope--it is party time.

Besides the teething fussiness, he really is such an enjoyable and fairly relaxed baby. The crawling has given him some proud independence and he loves crawling around the kitchen and playing tag & peekaboo.

We are enjoying this stage so much! His laughs are contagious and he is pretty fun. Now I really have to start planning his first birthday. Ah!

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