June 14, 2013

Five on Friday

This week kind of seemed to drag on--anyone else feel that way too? I think it is because Travis' vacation starts in a few days and we are SO ready for that!!

By the end of the day, about one hour before Travis is supposed to get home from work, I am wracking my mommy brain of ways to distract Brody and help the time go faster. I love being with my boy but it is so nice to hand him over to daddy for a while!!

I have a huge to-do list to get done before we leave for vacation. Amongst other boring things it includes cleaning bathrooms, getting our neighbor boy to water our plants while we are gone, and getting Brody's drool-stained crib sheets in the washer. Fun stuff!

We have some dear friends getting married tomorrow and I'm so excited!! I love photographing Weddings and it will be so great to be guests at a wedding this time!:) Now if only I could figure out what to wear!!

We've been letting Brody experiment with fingers foods. It is such a nice distraction when Travis and I are trying to peacefully eat a meal. Brody sucked on a slice of cucumber while Travis and I enjoyed TeaBar.
Have a great weekend, friends! The blog might be a little bare these next few weeks as I'll be enjoying my little family and the San Diego sun!! 

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