February 21, 2014

Five on Friday

Well, it has been quite a while since I have done a Five on Friday post. I know...you were hanging on the edge of your seat this WHOLE time!! :)

I've indulged in FAR too many coffee shop treats this week. It's been totally worth it. ;)

I cut out one of Brody's feedings this week and apparently all my worry was for nothing. He did great! I had been postponing it for weeks only to find out he would have not cared less!

I have been loving this stage of Brody's life. He is still pretty fussy due to his chronic ear infection BUT he is such a joy to be around most of the time :). He plays in the backyard pretty independently and laughs on command. He also now laughs when he "toots", which has me rolling on the floor!

Really looking forward to a Marriage Simulcast tonight and tomorrow through our church. Travis and I love getting encouragement on how to make our Marriage more of how God intended it to be. It will be a great time together and we could use the wisdom! :)

I took Brody to a coffee shop yesterday for our first little mommy-son coffee date. You know how you picture moments like this to be so perfect? Expectations are evil. It was super sweet for about 2 minutes until he no longer wanted to calmly sit in my lap and read a book. Exploring the coffee shop was much more exciting! It was still a fun putting and I do love this little boy so much!
Have a great weekend and enjoy this beautiful weather!

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